A Passive Income Stream That Pays You Monthly FOREVER!
Creating Wealth On Your Current Income!
Passive Income Stream #1
A Passive Income Stream That Pays You Monthly FOREVER!
Creating Wealth On Your Current Income!
Passive Income Stream #1
Remember the widget? And the fart pillow? How about the chia pet? Those
people made millions from one idea. So you can See how easy it is to create
wealth in abundance, easily, and very quickly!
You could create a product that goes global that everyone
in the world loves and buys consistently like a toothbrush. FOREVER!
Create A New Passive Income Stream
- One-On-One Coaching where we get really clear on your ideas for new creation of your new
- One-On-One Coaching where we get really clear on your ideas for new creation of your new
- We submit your idea(s) to
a company I work with that creates, patents, markets, and sells
your product.for you.
- Once your idea for a new product creation is accepted, I will work with you on all of the details
and necessities that you want in your new product.
your product.for you.
- Once your idea for a new product creation is accepted, I will work with you on all of the details
and necessities that you want in your new product.
-Your product, now patented,
goes live and viral all around the world.
- You pay the company a royalty
fee of approximately 20% of all sales to continue to market,
advertise and sell your product.
- YOU keep approximately
80% as long as there is a need for your product in society on a advertise and sell your product.
continuous basis FOREVER.
There Are
No Limits To You
As To What You Can Create Prosper And Profit From!
As To What You Can Create Prosper And Profit From!
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